Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy


The book "The Islamic Iranian Pattern of Progress and Challenge of the Unsustainability of Sustainable Development" is a series of book in Iranian Islamic Pattern of Progress, written by Tohidinia and Ghadimi. This book has many positive and outstanding points. The key questions about sustainability of sustainable development and response to them in the framework of the philosophical foundations of the Islamic economy, focusing on Right and justice, are among the highlights and positive points of this research. Formally it requires edition and layout, and the reader can hardly achieve the problems and goals of the research. There is no evidence of the introduction which is responsible for clarifying and the introductions of the main parts are also unable to do so. The most important aspect of the content is that the authors of the work have opposite approach to conventional economic thought, and where they focus on the interpretation and overview of the ideas of the economists of the conventional economic, they are biased and based on the dominant approach of conventional economics. Therefore, to be more acceptable, there should be some literary, formal, and content revisions. It should also avoid the biased content of the material and must express the opposing views first and then criticize them.


Main Subjects

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