Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Economics, Qom University


The development of the Islamic Iranian pattern of progress requires, in advance, theories that address its nature and clarify the limits of this model. This theory is the product of a second view of the pattern, and its rules can form the basis of the pattern. Therefore, the method of analysis in the theory of modeling is a philosophical reflection and a fundamentalist critique. In the book Islamic and Iranian Progress Pattern Theory (Axioms and Elements), the author has tried to present several concepts about Islamic and Iranian progress and finally enumerated the basic principles and elements of this theory. In this article, two parts of this book have been criticized. Firstly, formal and visual flaws including the design of the book and the way it is referenced and the quality of the resources used. Secondly, given the issues raised in the book, the present book cannot be considered as a strong and usable book in the field of Islamic and Iranian progress theory, and its use, whether as a book containing precise theories or as a textbook containing various theories is problematic.


Main Subjects

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