Document Type : Research


1 Associate Professor of Economics, University of Yazd

2 Ph.D. Student of Economics, University of Yazd


The dynamics of any science depends on its fair and thorough critique. Undoubtedly, writing any new book along with its strengths will have its drawbacks. Thus, this paper aims to evaluate the book" The Theory of Interest and Conventional Banking" to improve its quality in the upcoming editions or to publish similar books by using descriptive and conventional analysis. Although there are not many resources available in the field of pathology of good rate, this book is very pivotal due to entering to this challenging topic. Results indicate that this book requires serious consideration in punctuation and content. The book can be improved by using scientific language, precise expression of the content, and accuracy in using specialized terms. Regarding the content, using scientific and accurate argument and sometimes lacking superficial interpretation, and also the rejection of the claims of the opponents of the interest rate without reviewing them, could be some shortcomings that can be considered to increase the quality of the book.  


Main Subjects

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