Document Type : Research


1 Professor of Sociology, University of Alzahra

2 MA of Sociology, University of Alzahra


The purpose of this paper is to present a critical evaluation of The Deadly Identities, a book resulted from life experiences of the French-Lebanese author, Amin Maalouf, which has been written to explain an extremely significant issue: fascism, desire for domination, and deadly identities will be arisen if different identities are offended and threatened with annihilation. People’s identities contain several and on occasion paradoxical elements; in other words, they benefit from hybrid identity. Therefore, one special possession should not be ascribed to them; they must demand all their belongings. By hybrid identity, it means that an individual can possess two nationalities, be born from parents with two different religions, speak in some languages whilst considers all of these as his/her possessions and see him/herself as belonging to them, too. In accordance with this meaning, human being’s dignity, departed from all identical differences, should be preserved. The most noticeable critical results, related to the form of the book, include typesetting, incorrect pronunciation of English words, and grammatical errors. Ignoring agency and the process of determining identity can be considered as the most severe criticisms in relation to the content.


Main Subjects

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