Document Type : Research


1 Professor in Sociology, Shahid Beheshti University, Graduated from University of Vienna and University of Berlin

2 PhD in Sociology, Islamic Azad University of Babol


Niklas Luhmann is the most prominent system theorist. System theory took shape with Talcott Parsons ideas in sociology. The starting point of Luhmann’s system theory has been influenced by Parsons, proposing an integrated approach combining elements of Parsons structural functionalism and general systems theory and some concepts of cognitive biology, cybernetics, and phenomenology. Luhmann has introduced himself as the most prominent system theorist. Two main concepts in understanding the theory of Luhmann are system and environment. The key to understand Luhmann’s system theory has been hidden in the differentiation of system from its environment. One of the most basic roles of a system is to reduce the complexity of the environment. Systems produce their basic elements, regulate the borders and the relations in their structures, and are closed and self-referential. The present paper aims to analyze the system theory from the main concepts of Luhmann and to explain and criticize each of these concepts in Luhmann’s intellectual system.


Main Subjects

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