Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of English Language, Farhangian University,Tehran,Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of English Language, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


As the suitability of any educational system depends on its teachers’ competencies, it seems necessary to pay enough attention to the educational curriculum of the student- teachers of the Farhangian University. Hence, a reliable and valid researcher-made questionnaire including three components as skill, knowledge, and attitude developed for assessing the latest and the old English language teacher curriculums of Farhangian University was distributed among 87 English professors. The results of this study showed that from the English professors of Farhangian University’s point of view, there was a significant difference between the old and the latest English language teacher curricula in increasing the professional competencies of student-teachers of Farhangian University. This means that the latest curriculum as compared to the old one will considerably be more successful in increasing the skills and attitudes of the student-teachers. Furthermore, the results of the current research also indicated that the latest curriculum will be more successful in increasing the student-teachers’ PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge), CK (Content Knowledge) and PK (Pedagogical Knowledge).


Main Subjects

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