Document Type : Research


Archaeology Department, University of Kashan


This paper is a review of the second volume of Persepolis Fortification Tablets. The book is an English-Persian translation of the unpublished Elamite Persepolis Fortification Tablets, transliterated by Richard Hallock, edited and translated by Abdolmajid Arfaee and published by Research Institute of Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization and the Centre for the great Islamic Encyclopedia. In the following words, translation of the book is evaluated and criticized. But apart from this, the main challenge is to publish tablets despite the official announcement of the disagreement of the Oriental Institute of Chicago as scientific concessioner of the project to the “Editor and translator” and Publisher. This means that research ethics are not being followed by a major scientific Centre in the field of humanities in Iran, and it makes it difficult for international researchers to cite the book.


Main Subjects

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