Document Type : Research


1 Associate Professor of Law, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Law, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


It is easy but rigorous to compile an educational textbook. In such books, requirements of educational texts should be responded alongside matters such as the accuracy and solidity of the principles, the avoidance of inconsistencies, which are essential in the compilation of any textbook. The requirements of any educational texts are as follows: fluency, the logical order of topics, avoidance of turbulence, garrulity and hyper-brevity, considering the audience perception, using many illustrative instances, the inclusion of all significant matters and exclusion of unnecessary topics at the same time, description of key concepts and terms before applying them and motivating for deeper studies. Despite some worthy features, the book, written by Hasan Rahpeikar considered in this article, has not been successful enough in some foregoing areas. The text is not that much fluent and eloquent. The gradual order of the topics has not been held from major to minor ones. There are some necessary headlines completely missed in the text and some others, which have been briefly expressed so that it is not smooth and lucrative enough for beginner readers. The book is garbled in terms of some fundamental and substantive issues like fault and basis of civil liability. Overall, in spite of its excellency, the book is needed to be revised and edited in order to be applied as an educational textbook. Beside the revisions in the context and legal analysis, it iss required to be revised in terms of formal issues and compiling roots.


Main Subjects

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