Document Type : Research


Associate Professor of Public Law, Research Institute of Howzah and University, Qom, Iran


The “Requirements of Constitutional Law” written by Seyyed Abolfazl Ghazi Shariat Panahi, is a summary of the book “Constitutional Law and Political Institutions”, which presents the most important issues related to the generalities of constitutional law in accordance with the bachelor’s degree in law and political science. The author’s scientific rank, on the one hand, and the high status of the book and its public acceptance among lawyers and the academic community, on the other hand, make this book worthy of criticism. This article has been written with the aim of identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the book as “educational text of constitutional law” and the method of critique is citation-analysis in the framework of methodical critique, formal critique, content critique. The results show that the analyzed book is commendable in terms of scientific level, accuracy, conciseness, educational approach, fluent writing, volumetric proportion of speeches, deserves praise, but it requires more attention in explaining some topics such as the subject of constitutional law, sources of constitutional law, individual rights and public freedoms, concentration and also too much focus on the constitutional law of Western countries. Furthermore, the book seems weaker in terms of structure and the titles’ arrangement than " Constitutional Law and political institutions."


Main Subjects

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