Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Law, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


The Civil Liability Act, the articles of which are mainly adapted from the Swiss Obligations Act, was founded in 1339. After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, due to the change of approach and attitudes about the rules regarding coercive guarantees, the enforcement of some of the articles in the Civil Liability became doubtful. This skepticism necessitated a review of the current status of the law to determine first, which articles of the law were obsolete; Second, what the weaknesses or shortcomings of the materials are that still need to be enforced; and third, what the attitude of the courts to the rules and regulations of this law is. The research method is library-based, and the results of this research can be summarized as followed: what has been said about compensation for arched damages and compensation for the costs of the burial of the deceased in Article 6 is obsolete. Granting joint and several liabilities in Article 12 for workers who have incurred collective damages has no rational justification, and the jurisprudence in enforcing the provisions on compensation for moral damages, as well as the implementation of these provisions in Articles 4 and 5 show delay.


Main Subjects

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