Document Type : Research


Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Razi University


Discussions about the relationship between religion and state or religion and politics in the contemporary era have been discussed more than in any other period, especially in relation to the religion of Islam. However, Muslims in most post-Islamic historical periods have had religious states that were either characterized by Islamic descriptions or attributed themselves to Islam. However, the existence and continuity of states with Islamic titles or appearances in the geography of the Islamic world and throughout the history of Islamic societies have never meant that these states are real and complete examples of “State in Islam”. Therefore, it has always been felt that Muslim states throughout history, as a matter of fact, should be compared with the state in Islam, as a truth, to be compared to the extent to which these states have adapted or deviated from the Islamic standard state. In this regard, the present article, while reviewing and analyzing the book “History of State Transformation in Islam” and raising fundamental issues in the field of principles, goals, and functions of the state of the Prophet of Islam, as a standard Islamic state, tries to evaluate the success of the work in achieving its intended purpose.


Main Subjects

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