Document Type : Research


Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Tehran


The manner of reading and interpreting historical texts is one of the central pillars of the methodology and history of thought. The main question in this field is how to study and understand the concepts and meanings of the thinkers in the study of the history of thought? Quentin Skinner is one of the founders of the Cambridge School of History and Political Thought, whose work is of philosophical importance, presenting new and influential ideas. Skinner considers the question of how different and conflicting perspectives are to be adapted, which can be still a central issue in contemporary political thought. He has attempted to use the traditional methods of historical research with an intentional approach, to draw attention to their differences, to reconstitute their beliefs, and to be as aware of the processes of the formation of problems and events as possible, to understand the way things are going. He hopes that by examining and evaluating the history of competing theories, he will be able to play a part in these widespread conflicts, regardless of his historical interest. This article will attempt to introduce and review the first volume of the book Visions of Politics: On Methodology. The importance of the critical reading of this series of articles in this book is that it now reflects his intellectual transformation as classical writings.


Main Subjects

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