Document Type : Research


PhD Candidate in Comparative and Analytic History of Islamic Art, University of Art, Tehran, Iran


Reviewing the Persian translation of Umberto Eco’s “Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages” (translated by Faride Mahdavi Damghani), is the subject of this article. The article does not concentrate on evaluating the original book, which is widely acknowledged by those who are involved in this field, and just outlines its subjects, chapters, and also its importance. In order to review the translation, the first 25 pages of the Persian text have been checked against the English one, which is introduced as the source of translation, and the errors have been divided into four categories and in each case, in addition to an explanation, the suggested translation is provided, too. The large quantity of errors is eloquent of the necessity for a serious revision to the translation of such an important book, which is usually used as a source by students and those who are interested in art and aesthetic studies.


Main Subjects

اکو، اومبرتو (1381)، هنر و زیبایی در قرون وسطی، ترجمۀ فریده مهدوی دامغانی، تهران: تیر.
بریجانیان، ماری (1390)، فرهنگ اصطلاحات فلسفه و علوم اجتماعی، تهران: پژوهشگاه علوم انسانی و مطالعات فرهنگی.
حق‏شناس، علی‏محمد (1391)، فرهنگ معاصر هزاره، تهران: فرهنگ معاصر.
هارت، فردریک (1382)، سی‌‌ودو هزار سال تاریخ هنر، ترجمۀ موسی اکرمی و دیگران، تهران: پیکان.
Eco, Umberto (1986), Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages, Hugh Bredin (trans.), New Haven: Yale University Press.
Newmark, Peter (1988), A Textbook of Translation, New York: Prentice-Hall International.
Tatarkiewicz, Wladyslaw (1999), History of Aesthetics, vol. 2, R. M. Montgomery (trans.), Bristol: Thoemmes Press.