Document Type : Research
1 Associate Professor of Philosophy, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, University of Tabriz, Iran
2 PhD Candidate of Philosophy, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, University of Tabriz,
This article reviews Michel Foucault’s late work, entitled What Is Critique and the Care of the Self, which deals with both the content of the book and its Persian translation. Foucault’s most recent work, especially in this book, deals with the subject of Kantian Enlightenment and the question of the ethics of taking care of a particular attitude to the subject and its governance and upbringing to express its critical view of modernity and social and moral structures. What is Foucault’s critique of the Kantian epistemological approach to the question of “what can I know?” Redirects to the critical question and believes that critique is a redefined movement that gives the subject the right to know the truth about his power effects and the power of his truth discourses. Ask a question. Concerning the second part of the book, one can also summarize Foucault’s words about his upbringing in his aesthetic attitude, something that Foucault himself emphasizes. He believes that it is an artwork in itself. An art work that everybody has to make, and everybody has it in their own way. Regarding the evaluation of the Persian translation of this book, it can be said that although it has been translated into fluent and fluent language, the lack of an introduction by the Persian translators and the lack of a profile and last references of the book and some incorrect translations of Latin terminology are some of the shortcomings of this work.
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