Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Kashan, Iran

2 PhD Candidate of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Kashan, Iran


Semiotics is one of the branches of modern literary criticism in the twentieth century that examines the signs and the relationships between them in literary texts and their function in conveying the message between the author and the reader. The book Aliat al - Tawil al - Sima'iyya by Musa Rabbabiyah is one of the works that tries to achieve the following subtle and profound layers of textual construction by passing through some semiotic tools and passing through the superstructure of the text. In the light of the importance of the issue, the present article tries to explain the weaknesses and shortcomings of the desired work in a descriptive - analytical way and with a content critique approach, while examining and stating some of the strengths of this book. The results of the study indicate that this work has been very successful in the first three chapters in the field of metaphor and cryptography as two tools of semiotics and has provided good analyzes by selecting appropriate poetic examples. But, the book’s inconsistency with the content and not directly addressing all semiotic tricks, including paradox, mask, arithmetic, norm-breaking, myth, lack of balance between chapters, and a brief reference to the critique of semiotics in the novel one of the most important shortcomings of this book.


Main Subjects

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