Document Type : Research


Asisstant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, faculty Member of Arabic Language and Literature Department, Lorestan University, Khorramabad.Iran.


There is a lack of books in Arabic language translation studies in the field of translation theories; therefore, there is an absolute need to write new books and critics available books. “Derasat fi Nazariyat Al-Tarjomah Fi Daow Al-Khobrat BE Aal-Loqhat Al-Arabiat” written by Mehmed Kico and translated into Arabic by Jamal Al-Din Syed Mohammad is one of that sources. This book is important not only because of its subject. The author is an Arabic-Bosnian translator, and it has been written without focusing on Western European languages, including English, and French in translation theories. The present article analyzes this book in an analytical method and attempts to examine its form, content, and its abality to be teached in Arabic traanslation studies principle. The most important results of this paper are the importance of the subject and the viewpoint of the writer, expressesing issues in translation theories, a notation to issues of translation from/into Arabic, diminish of Eurocentric perspective in concepts, use of numerous and various sources. The weaknesses also include overlapping of some content, lack of education and learning outcomes, not referring to some of the important topics in translation studies such as evaluating translation quality, and discourse analysis.


Main Subjects

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