Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of German Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


A look into the history of the literature of the ancient nations reveals that epics are the most fundamental works. Major role players of such epics are the heroes who have their roots in the unconscious beings of a collection of human beings and their existence provides a response to man’s wishes, aspirations, and needs. Therefore, hero-making is a phenomenon well inside man’s innate. The Indo-European tribes and then Iranians and Germans are no exception. This has resulted in such glorious epics as Shahnameh and The Song of the Nibelungs. This book has a special status in German Literature. The valuable work marks the national treasure and cultural heritage of the German language. This study tries to draw a critique and investigate the book in order to contribute to its better and more identification while encouraging Persian language scholars and literary figures to read the work. This research is the first in its kind to briefly introduce of “The Song of the Nibelungs”. After providing a concise summary of the story, this study explains concepts of the episode and epic and related history. Then while offering a careful investigation of the issue, this study criticizes the structure and content of this epic and identifies the episodic and historical elements of the work.


Main Subjects

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