Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Islamic Philosophy and Contemporary Wisdom, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran


Defending the truth of some contradictions in the actual world by means of Graham Priest’s views, To Welcome Contradiction written by Rahman Sharifzadeh is rarely problematic in the appearance - i.e in the edition. In addition to some suggestions, we have evaluated the content of the book and criticized the views of the author and/or the dialetheists in some cases. We have shown, for example, that the preface paradox and some borderline cases cannot be regarded as true contradictions. Again, there is no need to accept such counterintuitive affairs as negative facts to believe dialetheism. In evaluating the logic of paradox, we have corrected the truth table for the logical negation and implication: instead of saying ‌t = f, ‌p = p and ‌f = t, we must say: ‌t = f ˅ p, ‌p = t ˅ f and ‌f = t ˅ p; and instead of the truth value of p for t→p, p→p and p→f, we must say: t ˅ f. On the basis of such corrections, the objection to the validity of modus ponens rule in the logic of paradox is answered. All in all, the book is a necessary one in Persian.


Main Subjects

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