Document Type : Research


PhD in Philosophy, Researcher and Instructor of Philosophy, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran


This article reviews the book Philosophical Writing: An Introduction by A. P. Martinich, translated by Fatemeh Minaei and Layla Minaei. The purpose of this book is to teach the writing of a philosophical article and not to mention other types of philosophical writing. The book methodically looks at all the necessary details of the philosophical article and gives the reader how to write a precise, understandable and authoritative article. Martinich in this book helps the reader not merely be the reporter of other people's opinions, but first of all, he learns the students how to express his/her thoughts and opinions, to write it, to compare other opinions in relation to it and how to defend his/her opinion. In this paper, after the introduction, a brief overview of the author and translator is presented, and as this book is valuable, so it isintroduced in detail. Then, it's privileges and defects and outcome.


Main Subjects

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