Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Culture and Communication, University of Guilan , Rasht, Iran


Since the academic works compiled with an Islamic approach in the field of social sciences are presented and introduced as a textbook in universities and scientific centers, their critiques are also vital to strengthen these works and remove ambiguities in texts and discover its capabilities and features. It will also lead to the production of social thought within the framework of Islamic thought. This article tries to critique and review the book History of Social Thought in Islam; From the Beginning to the Contemporary Period. Dr. Taghi Azadarmaki addresses the features and shortcomings of the book and also offers suggestions for its correction. The author, while evaluating the formal and accurate content of the work, has reached this conclusion. This work cannot meet the needs of the scientific community in the field of social thought in the framework of Islamic thought. There are also numerous editorial and content problems, the need to revise and rewrite and correct it. Referring to the formal and content shortcomings of the work does not mean ignoring the advantages and positive aspects of the work.


Main Subjects

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