Document Type : Research
Assistant Professor of Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Historical sociology can be achieved as a method based on data and sequence of historical events, and historical sociology of domination as a social phenomenon can be designed and followed in different historical periods. This article has been presented with the aim of reviewing the book Historical Sociology of Iranian Dominance. Due to its features, this work, as innovative work in this field, deserves to be read. The present article has a critical review of this book in the form of the following axes: ambiguity in the title of the book, lack of correct and initial explanation of the issue of dominance, ambiguity in methodology, lack of coordination in method and text, ambiguity in the concept of historical sociology. After reflecting on the technical and editorial aspects of the work, the article concludes with the conclusion that the issue of “dominance” has been raised by the author as a historical issue and the author tries to use its sociological theories and methods. But this study shows that historical sociology is a sociological approach using historical information and data in different periods, or in other words, examines the trend of domination in different periods, not what is considered in this work as a historical approach with a sociological method.
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