Document Type : Research
Assistant Professor in Linguistics, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran
A book review is an academic tradition to evaluate the thinkers' contributions to the field of research. It not only improves the reviewer's level of conscious reading, but also evaluates the context in which the book was written to form an opinion on the author's views. Therefore, a good review is more than just a summary of the contents. The present book review aims at describing and evaluating the book entitled Research in Language and Linguistics (Theoretical and Practical) by Ferdows Aghagolzadeh. In this way, it assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the book without any bias. By asking the question 'what issues of research methodology does the author raise in this book', the article tries to review the form and content of the book based on the descriptive-critical method. In addition to advantages such as observing rules and principles of writing and aligning the content with defined goals of the book, the shortcomings include not using a well-established method in providing the content and not classifying the research types based on purpose, research methods, levels and types of information.
- Qualitative Research Method
- Quantitative Research Method
- Book Review
- Proposal Writing
- Article Writing
Main Subjects