Document Type : Research


Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The ideas and thoughts of great thinkers are boundless, and their intellectual foundations effects on the construction of thought and the nature of the transformation of other societies. Michel Foucault (1926-1984) is one of the most controversial theorists in the second half of the twentieth century, whose intellectual innovations have been seen from different perspectives and in different societies. A text that has been actively seeking to exploit Foucault's intellectual categories to represent a new interpretation aimed at answering the questions of Arab societies in the intellectual-philosophical field over the past three decades. Each of Foucault's commentators has tried by applying modern methodologies and presenting a new reading of his heritage, historiography of Islamic thought and the design of modernism and pluralism in his intellectual project with the aim of overcoming the existing problems in these societies. The focus of the present paper is the introduction, theoretical critique, and analysis of Michel Foucault's book “In Contemporary Arab Thought”, written by Al-Zawawi Baghura and translated by Majid Manhaji. Negah-e-Moaser press published the Persian version of this book in 2020.


Main Subjects

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