Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of IHCS, Tehran, Iran


The main question of this study is to determine the conceptual relation between "social refining (Tahzibe ejtemaie)" with "social human" to address one of the most important challenges of today's society on how human interaction in complicated and new social relations. Therefore, after introducing the general framework of the book "Social Human" by Dahrendorf and briefly describing its formative dimensions, this study deals with the basic concepts of social humans. This study will show that it is possible to go beyond the thought of a "problem analysis unit" and provide a more precise social conception. Although Dahrendorf considered two concepts of social role and social position as the constituents of social human beings and in this way, the two realities of individual and society are interconnected, since the subject in his mind was not "social refining", it has not been studied so far how we can link social human to social refining? In his analysis, Dahrendorf assumed an independent identity for the two concepts of individual and society, and according to him, a social human is a human being who has different social roles. Thus, social human should be called "human in society", but in another analysis, the individual cannot be imagined independently of society, but the real identity of individuals is formed in society and social relations. The present study deals with the three features of social refining and organizational power. Finally, it emphasizes the research necessities in this regard and especially the issue of a comprehensive moral plan.


Main Subjects

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