Document Type : Research
PhD in Cultural Anthropology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Many Scholars believe that “Imagined Communities” is one of a most influential Books in Late 20th. Based on the Anderson’s Point of view, Nationalism is not a false capitalist consciousness, instead it is produced by one of a fundamental aspects of capitalism. “Print Capitalism” in its historical context, is a type of economic corporation which is not only affected on the formation and distribution of culture, but it also was a part of capitalist production as well. His contribution was to show how print industry helped development of national units. A critical review can declare Anderson’s analysis is less practical and useful. It could not explain how a nation is distinguished from other types of community which he has constructed in the book. In addition, his analysis faces three serious problems: his understanding of nation is something classless, asocial and universal; minorities, marginal and subaltern groups are absent in his analysis, and finally he is unconsidered to sexuality structures and women’s reproductive role in generating a nation. These obstacles base his construction of citizenship and nation upon white, middle class, educated European men.
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