Document Type : Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Graduated from Yazd University, Master's Degree in Arabic Language and Literature, Yazd, Iran

3 Graduated from Arabic Language and Literature,Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran


Teaching Arabic language in schools encountered more challenges in comparison to other courses due to cultural and political reasons as well as the families and students’ viewpoints about it. A survey of students’ attitudes towards learning this language would be an effective step in policymaking and the compilation of textbooks in this regard. This study used the descriptive-survey method to analyze attitudes toward learning the Arabic language among twelfth-grade students of Kerman in the fields of literature and humanities, experimental sciences, and mathematical sciences. Moreover, this study investigated the attitude differences among the students in three fields of humanities, experimental and mathematical sciences, as well as attitude differences toward learning the Arabic language between the twelfth-grade girl and boy students of Kerman. The sample consisted of 337 girl and boy students studying in twelfth grade in Kerman. The results showed that the attitudes of most of the students in three fields of humanities, experimental sciences, and mathematical sciences towards three variables of interest in learning Arabic, the importance of Arabic course among other courses, and the content of Arabic course were negative; nevertheless, mathematics students showed more interest in learning Arabic in comparison to other students. Girl and boy students’ attitudes did not show any significant differences.


Main Subjects

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