Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor, Department of Language and Literature, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


Proper understanding of the social and political situation and wise confrontation with it based on the Islamic standard system is one of the basic goals of the field of political and social education in the document of fundamental change. One of the main ways to achieve this field in the education system is through Persian textbooks, and the elementary school has an important place in shaping the individual and social personality of students. This research seeks to examine the position of this field in elementary school Persian books with the method of content analysis to show the level of attention to the components of political and social education. The statistical population is Persian books for the elementary school in the first to sixth grades. The findings of the research indicate that despite the emphasis of the Persian Book Writing Planning Council, the authors of Persian books have not paid attention to this area as much as they should, and some books, such as the first and second grades of elementary school, pay less attention to these areas per year. The final stages of this course are discussed more. The highest level of attention in six years was related to "acquaintance with national and religious historical heroes and respect for the national symbol" related to the field of political education with 37 cases and the lowest level of attention was related to the two components of "keeping other people's secrets" and "national, local and Global »has been in the field of social education with three cases.


Main Subjects

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