Document Type : Research


Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Art, Faculty of Arts, Soore University, Tehran, Iran


Writing and introducing university resources to improve the academic level of students is one of the most important tasks of university teachers. Meanwhile, disciplines such as handicrafts and Islamic arts, which were approved by the Cultural Revolution Council after the revolution as a discipline appropriate to Iranian-Islamic culture, have felt this shortcoming more than other disciplines of humanities and arts. Over the last two decades, some professors, in sporadic activities without comprehensive supervision, have written educational texts and books to alleviate some of the burden of this problem. In the meantime, scientific critique and analysis of textbooks will be one of the effective ways to guide the writing of authentic, credible and acceptable sources.
In this article, an attempt is made to introduce the book "Introduction to Traditional Arts (3)" and to critique it in terms of its formal structure and content analysis. The result of this critical view shows that inattention to new research methods, carelessness in the method of writing, repetition of content based on previous texts and similar sources, and finally a superficial look at concepts that require an approach based on Content analysis, does not place this book for students to use in the field of authoritative academic resources.


Main Subjects

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