Document Type : Research


1 PhD Student of Political Science, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran

2 Faculty member of Political Science Department, Yasouj University


The main purpose of this article is to review the book "Consumption and Everyday Life" written by Mark Patterson, a contemporary American sociologist who is known as one of the experts in the field of consumption and sociology. This work is one of the fascinating and academic texts that has been written by researching the effects of consumerism in contemporary human life. According to the author of the work, the secret of the survival of today's capitalist system is to create a gap between production and consumption and even the transformation of human beings into consumer beings, whose identity and personality are often formed in the process of market and purchase. The present article uses Patterson's views as one of the fields of formation of sociology and believes that the views of Patterson, Bourdieu, and even Doserto can consolidate an independent field called sociology. Consumption in academic centers and scientific circles. The most important criticism that can be leveled at Patterson's views is the question of the resistance to today's consumerist order, which, ironically, was designed on the ground of consumerism. Criticizing this plan, the critic considers the approach of critical thinkers and using the capacity of "art" and "critical art" as a more desirable approach to reduce the undesirable effects of consumerism.


Main Subjects

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