Document Type : Research


Faculty Member, Management Faculty, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran


Familiarity with research methodology is a requirement for any research project. What is seen in most works of writing or translating is a mere focus on teaching one or more research methods. The “Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social and Behavioral Sciences Research” has a different approach and has been written by pursuing the three goals of explaining philosophical tendencies, methodological formulation, and method, and finally the application of mixed research. This distinction, which makes the book stand out from other works in the field, was the reason it was chosen for critique. The Persian translation of the book, by Tashakkori and Teddlie was investigated based on the evaluation criteria of the Council for Reviewing Books and Texts on Human Sciences in two areas of structural and content criticism. The main strengths of the book are, focusing on the four bases of research paradigms i.e., ontology, epistemology, axiology, and strictly methodology of mixed research, multiplicity, and diversity of views and using the pioneers in the field of research methods in writing chapters and also providing primary valid sources, examples and case studies. At the same time, the effect has points for improvement, the most important of which are the overlap in the content of some chapters, the naming and arrangement of chapters, and the literal translation of some sentences.


Main Subjects

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