Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor of Economics, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran

2 PhD of Economics, Imam Sadiq (A.) University, Qom, Iran


The main problem of this survey is to explain the basic components of the German school of Ordoliberalism and the theoretical and practical critiques of it, and to ask about the relationship between Ordoliberalism and other schools of neoliberalism. In this regard, first, using the library method and referring to the works of the most important thinkers of Ordoliberalism such as Eucken, Ropke, and Rustow, as well as their main commentators, the characteristics and principles of the Ordoliberalism school are extracted. These principles are the primacy of law and legal institutions over economic institutions, the constitutive and regulative principles, the superiority of the competitive order and the superiority of a strong state within the framework of the economic constitution and the implementation of ordnungspolitik (ordering policy) to preserve the market. A brief comparative analysis of the relationship between this school and the Chicago School is presented. Finally, the theoretical critiques of the ideas and basic principles of this school and the practical critiques of the effects and consequences of the implementation of the Ordoliberal policy are discussed in detail.


Main Subjects

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