Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Political Sciences, Research Institute of Hawzah and University, Qom, Iran

2 Researcher of Political Sciences, Imam Sadegh University, Qom, Iran


Methodology of Political Science aims to collect, classify, describe and analyze research methods in political science. Dr. Haghighat's book entitled Methodology of Political Science has tried to review and critique most of the existing methodologies in the field of political science. The chapters of the book have a good consistency and the esteemed author has adopted a coherent method in reviewing and criticizing the methods. In some cases, paying attention to the indigenous atmosphere of Iranian society has made the contents of the book more useful. Paying attention to the distinction between research method and methodology is one of the highlights of the present study. On the other hand, obscurity in the definition of humanities and politics, lack of a clear criterion for classifying research methods, and ambiguity in methodological pluralism are among the most important shortcomings of the book. The respected author considers the methodology of social and political sciences as part of the philosophy of these sciences. But in the study of methods, the emphasized meaning of methodology has been seriously neglected. There is a conflict between the vagueness and the predicament of the concepts discussed in the book and the claim of uncertainty in the humanities. Pluralism is defended in the field of methodology, but the multiplicity and diversity of meanings of the concepts in political science in general and Iranian society, in particular, is rejected as a crisis and ambiguity.


Main Subjects

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