Document Type : Research


Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran


Studying Iran's foreign policy is one of the most interesting topics among the people and the academic community. This behavior is not specific to Iranians and can, also, be seen among other foreign researchers concerning Iran's foreign policy. Luciano Zaccara is one of the authors who has surpassed her counterparts in addressing this issue and has edited a book on the Foreign Policy of Iran under President Hassan Rouhani’s First Term. The lack of translation of the book into Persian encouraged the author to introduce the work and critique it in terms of content and form. What makes the book prominent is the participation of some well-known authors in writing the chapters, addressing some areas that have received less attention in Iranian research, such as relations with Africa and the pathology of Hassan Rouhani's foreign policy. Lack of theoretical framework for the discussions, incoherence between the contents of the chapters, and ignoring the scientific neutrality by some authors of the book are among the weaknesses of the work.


Main Subjects

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