Document Type : Promotional


Assistant Professor in Economics, Postdoctoral Researcher at Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


The present article reviews Jones Macroeconomics, translated by Jahangard and Keramatfar. In this regard, an attempt has been made to examine the book in terms of content and translation using an analytical-descriptive method. Content analysis of the work indicates its usefulness for teaching at the university. Introducing the DSGE model in a fluent and simple way for undergraduate students, which is described with a practical example, is the most important achievement of the book. Also, the concepts of macroeconomics are presented simply and according to the revealed facts. Lack of attention to solving numerical examples as well as expressing different economic schools and the role of books in this regard are among the shortcomings of the main text. Publishing a book in Persian is valuable because of the analysis of the new Keynesian approach. However, translating a book has many drawbacks that in some cases make it difficult to read and understand. In addition, parts of the original version that are necessary to understand the content have not been translated. Therefore, it is suggested that the translated text be re-edited.


Main Subjects

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