Document Type : Research
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Science and Knowledge Studies, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
In this article, I have a critical approach to the problem of "translation" in the field of knowledge and information science and offer some cases from a book, namely "Personal Knowledge Management". This article is a review of the mentioned book but it is a good sample for describing and criticizing the condition of translation in the human sciences. In this article, the conceptual analysis method was used and after a concise review of the importance of criticism and a brief description of the methodology, I started a formal critique on the book. Then, I reviewed the sections of the book and its contents. After that, I began with two levels of criticism: critics on the content and critics on the quality of the translation. The most important criticism of the content is the projection of English structure on the Persian grammar. Moreover, the most important criticism of the content is the absence of practical advice, tips, and tricks for better personal knowledge management. Another important criticism is the absence of ethical considerations in the practice of personal knowledge management and the moral obligation of individuals, foundations, associations, and organizations about the subject matter.
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