Document Type : Promotional


MA in Philosophy, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


According to Deleuze, it is an expression of the discipline that connects Spinoza's ontology, epistemology, physics, and ethics. In other words, the logic of expression is the logic that governs all the different areas of Spinoza's philosophy, and for this reason, Deleuze named his most detailed study about Spinoza Expression in Philosophy, Spinoza. In this article, I try to have an overview of this book and while examining each section, the concepts proposed in them and the process of the chapters, how Deleuze identifies the presence of the logic of expression in each aspect of Spinoza's philosophy will also be displayed. In this way, the basic concepts in Deleuze's reading of Spinoza will be revealed. In addition, we will see how immanence is related to expression in ontology, and how Deleuze describes the trinity of essence and its results by identifying two levels of expression, creative nature and created nature, as well as the theory of finite states. With respect to physics, the body is an expression of substance, a mode that is essentially an intensive degree of power. In this way, the triad of mode expression is described. In epistemology, the sufficiency of the true idea implies its expression. In ethics, the issue is about capacity and power, which belongs to the human body and mind, since the mind and body are an expression of essence, and therefore a degree of power.


Main Subjects

Deleuze Gilles (1978), "Seminars". and
Deleuze Gilles and Parnet, Claire (1987), Dialogues, trans. H. Tomlinson and B. Habberjam, New York: Columbia University Press.
Deleuze Gilles (1988), Spinoza: Practical Philosophy, trans. R. Hurley, San Francisco: City Light Books.
Deleuze Gilles (1992), Expressionism in Philosophy: Spinoza, trans. M. Joughin, New York: Zone Books.
Deleuze Gilles (1997), "Spinoza and the Three ‘Ethics’", In Essays Critical and Clinical, trans. D. W. Smith and M. A. Greco, 138-151, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Hardt, Michael (2002), Gilles Deleuze: An Apprenticeship in Philosophy, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Heidegger, Martin (1962), Being and Time, trans. John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
Heidegger, Martin (2019), Being and Time, translated by Abdul Karim Rashidian, Tehran:Nashre Ney
Smith, Daniel W. (2012), Essays on Deleuze, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
University Press, 1985.
Smith, Daniel W. The Collected Works. Vol. 2. Ed. Edwin M. Curley. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2016.