Document Type : Research



Teaching “Nahj al-Balaghah” as one of the major branches of Islamic literature has been considered in Iranian universities for more than three decades in form of compulsory and optional course. One of the common and almost traditional teaching methods of this great text is to express its religious teachings and the underlying wisdom, faith and educational points. Nahj al-Balaghah is known as an important branch of the Arabic literature in classification of the texts, so paying attention to the literary aspects of “Nahj al-Balaghah” is essential in its teaching. This is because with the help of efficient and modern teaching methods, the professors can increase the student’s skills like proper text reading, semantic understanding, literary taste and recognizing stylistic features of Imam Ali’s (pbuh) speech.
Today, theorists and specialists in the field of literature teaching have offered effective strategies for teaching “Nahj al-Balaghah”, which both consider teaching its content and cover the literature of this great text. Thus, the present study seeks to introduce these strategies and find out to what extent they have been implemented in Tehran universities.
The main tool in this descriptive-analytical research is a questionnaire. Some of the most important findings of the present research show that “Nahj al-Balaghah” is not taught as a literary text in the universities, but rather its contents are considered and paid attention to.


Main Subjects

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