Document Type : Research


PhD Student in Philosophy, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


“τὰ μετὰ τὰ φυσικά (Metaphysics)” is a title that was given to a collection of Aristotle’s researches after him. In this way, the unity of “Metaphysics” as a unified work has been questioned from the beginning. Finding the primary question and the desirable goal in different parts of Metaphysics is necessary to read this book as a single work. What transforms Metaphysics into a single work is a unique knowledge that Aristotle considered in his metaphysical research. In “Metaphysics” Aristotle seeks a science called Sophia or the first science. Whether Sophia is a distinct science is for Aristotle a difficult question to answer. To understand Aristotle’s problem, we should consider the unity of each science. How does every single science become a separate one? For Aristotle unity of each science depends on its substance or subject. Sophia has a specific subject, so Sophia’s unity is not like other sciences. Sophia considers being qua being as its subject. By being qua being, Aristotle introduces a general subject for Sophia. The subject of Sophia is the whole universe, but a conception of the whole is prior to discovering each substance as a unique substance. Sophia plays an important role in defining and discovering a new subject. So, Sophia is not itself a distinct science, it is the origin of all sciences. Sophia is called the first science in this view.    


Main Subjects

Aristotle (1392), metaphysics (metaphysics), translated by Sharafuddin Khorasani, Tehran: Hekmat.
Aristotle (1385), Ethics of Nicomachus, translated by Mohammad Hasan Lotfi, Tehran: New Project.
Farabi (1389), Ihsa al-Uloom, translated by Khedive Jam, Tehran: Scientific and Cultural.
Farabi (1390), Philosophical Treatises, translated by Saeed Rahimian, Tehran: Scientific and Cultural.
Jaeger, Werner (2010), Aristotle; The basics of the history of the evolution of his thought, translated by Kolbasi Ashtari, Tehran: Amir Kabir.
Roshni, Hamed (2019), Aristotle: Philosophy and the unity of the system of sciences, Philosophy, year 48, vol. 2, pp. 90-110.
Aristotle(1991), The Complete Works of Aristotle, J. Barnes Ed., Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Heidegger, Martin(2009), Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy, D.Metcalf and B.Tanzer Trans., Bloomington: Indiana University Press.