Document Type : Research



The relation between science and religion is one of the most important issues that is discussed in the philosophy of science and the philosophy of religion and it is regarded in two fields: the human demand to both of them and the confrontation of their propositions in describing the laws of nature. This issue was not out of the domain of the deeply assessing of Motahhari and his dealing with it can be traced in his books; the work that has been done by Motahhari’s attitude to the science and religion. In this book, writer tries to present Motahhari’s view on the issue according to his books. He has discussed it in two ways: the relation between science and faith and emphasis on human’s demand to both of them and the conflict between science and religion. Religion, in his view, is fixed and certain while science is variable and uncertain. The target of this article is to review the book and to suggest some revisions for it


Main Subjects

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