Document Type : Research



Comparative literature as an emerging literary field has evolved in the late of nineteenth century and beginning of twentieth century and after the first appearance in France and other European and American countries is now considered as a known and developing field in the Arab countries. Abdolrazagh Hamideh, Ebrahim Salam and Najib AlAghighi each have authored books titled “Al Adab Al Mogharen” for the first time in the Arab world, but none of these books could define the principles of this field – which was the basis of the current French school principles of that time – and give a clear definition of which and present practical comparative examples based on the model until Mohammad Ganimi Helal could define the theoretical principles of the French school and laid the practical and theoretical foundation of the field in the Arab world by his famous book “Al Adab Al Mogharen”. After the fundamental change of attitudes toward the Comparative Literature in the Occident in the recent years, some figures also appeared in the Arab world that demanded change. Abde Aboode is one of such figures. With a new attitude toward the Comparative Literature based on modern criticism and other new approaches, he writes and teaches. The book “Al Adab Almogharen Afagha va Moshkelat” not only does not completely deny the Traditional French School but also sets of for new horizons to Comparative Literature to localize it which are unique in its own right; horizons like: the relation of Arabic literature and globalization, the relation of Arabic literature and the Oriental studies, Arabic language teaching and its relation with the aims of the Comparative Literature and issues like translation and literary reception theory etc. In this paper an effort is made to consider the new horizons in the Comparative Literature and analysis of literary reception theory (as one of the most important horizon) and also some shortcomings of the book about the content and the form are also discussed with a critical view.


Main Subjects

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