Document Type : Research



The production of purposive educational packages which are based on learning principles and whose constitutes enjoy decent coherence and coordination are essential in reforming and optimizing educational systems and structures of any society. The importance of this endeavor becomes even more evident when it comes to teaching skills, including language silks, and preparing such educational materials creates many problems and demands investing a lot of energy and time. An acute shortage of educational materials to teach the Arabic language, either its skills or content, plus the characteristics of the Persian-speaking learners of Arabic, which shares a lot in common with Persian, have reduced the effectiveness of the existing teaching practices. Although attempts were made in the last two decades to improve the situation, seen mainly in the form of textbooks and other materials published by universities and educational institutes to teach Arabic, studying the problems and finding solutions to emolliate the situation still constitutes an important research topic. This paper evaluates one such textbook published in the recent past and offers suggestions to improve the production of the textbooks and materials to teach Arabic.  


Main Subjects

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