Document Type : Research



The study and criticism on the book entitled” the comparative analysis on Roodaki’s and Aboo Navas’s Khomriat ”comprised by Said Fazl Alah Mir Ghaderi is to be examined here. This essay is to introduce this work as well as to analyze the different aspects of it, due to “properties”, ”failures”, and “should”. Some of innovations in this work including: the scientific saving in the unbiased references in criticism, carefulness in the analysis, the use of authentic scientific sources, the presentation of different lists at the end of book, the moral, religious approach to the comparative issue. The findings of essay show some failures including: to ignore the methodology in the comparative study, the descriptive-based issue, to avoid the research as well as to explore the unknown issues, to ignore the new research-based findings, to marginalize the literary criticism and aesthetic, the moody approach in the criticism…and this study is descriptive-analytical to examine Roodaki’s and Aboo Navas’s Khomriat on the context.


Main Subjects

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