Document Type : Research



Texts in humanities disciplines in addition to teaching role, also has a very important role in breeding. The ongoing analysis of the texts, is essential. In this study, descriptive, and analytical, the book "Contemporary Arabic poetry of Mahmoud Darwish Ahmed Shoghi up" by Khalil Mishal Jha has been investigated. In this book, there are many poems it is considered good, but the book has many flaws. Lack of coordination between book and its contents, to overcome the historical overlay rather than analytical approach to the book, grab an Svngry ‌ rejection of arbitration little attention to the political, social, cultural, material abundance, and lack of sufficient analysis, the lack of coherence between different parts of the book, not from traditional poetry of poetry, short poem, consistent attention to the lack of critical aspects of contemporary poetry, troubleshooting book. The results obtained from this study indicate that the book is an analytical book on Arabic poetry is. And more of a selection of textbooks and educational literature.


Main Subjects

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