Document Type : Research



In page 207, the author has stated that Prosody was fully invented, and explained by Khalil. Then, other writers and scholars have written and explained it any more but the same teachings and descriptions of Khalil. Objective of prosody learning is to sing songs, to compare the poems through analysis and evaluation to identify correct from bad and corrupt, prosody is nothing except what Khalil wrote, many authors have written prosody for several centuries based on Khalil's approach, although there are a few unstructured poems. Many poets have abandoned style of prosody introduced by Khalil, not bond   to a rhythm and a definite element of prosody named free poetry in Arab literature but Nimaei poetry in Persian literature. Then, prosody scholars have been classified in several groups, some of them abandoned Khalil's style, some others including Dr. Nazok al Malaekah has summoned the poets through a book named "issues of contemporary poem" to focus on limitations of free poetry. Some other scholars such as Mustafa Jamal Al Din, in a book named "rhythm in poetry" explained more cadences of new poems as well as how and why contemporary poem developed. But Dr. Khaqani has written a book named prosodies of Khalil Ibn Ahmad in Persian and Arabic literature, has compared prosody in Persian literature to that of Arabic literature ; according to the reviews , the book is investigative rather than educational, this is to study and explain new ideas of  the author.


Main Subjects

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