Document Type : Research



In the second quarter of the scientific-specialized journal of critical research of texts and programs of humanities in the tenth year, the first issue (spring and summer of 2010) was published with a critique entitled \"Critical study of Al-Majani's book of mystical texts\" by Soodabeh Mozaffari [1].Prior to any comment, we acknowledge that, in the words of Imam Sadiq (as), \"Love is my recitation of the Qur'an, but it is a defect\" (Klini, 2013, 4/462). We thank him for that. The following essay is also written in the form of literature in response to that article.
Some criticisms are acceptable, and certainly the suggestions made in the reprint will certainly apply. However, some of the critiques can be explained. First, we have quoted the critique as a quote from the critic's article, mentioning the page number, and then we have reviewed that critique under the title of \"Critique Criticism.\"


Main Subjects

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