Document Type : Research


Associate Professor, University of Isfahan


The book "Husserl in the Context of His Work", written by Abdul Karim Rashidian is a lasting and unique work in Farsi about Husserl. By mastering the sources and texts of Husserl and his commentators, the author attempted to obtain an overview of Husserl's most fundamental ideas and the evolution of his thinking by relying on Husserl's own literature and to familiarize the reader with his thinking through the works of the philosopher. This book is written in a 670-page book with a light and eloquent pen and, regardless of some typographical errors and philosophical equivalents which needs discussion, it is useful and effective to study it to know Husserl's phenomenology. It is not possible to introduce all of the sections in the book review, and it is sufficed to mention a summary of some sections.


Main Subjects

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رشیدیان، عبدالکریم (1391). هوسرل در متن آثارش، تهران: نشر نی.
ساکولوفسکی، رابرت (1384). درآمدی بر پدیدارشناسی، تهران: نشر گام نو.
عبدالکریمی، بیژن (1392). هایدگر در ایران، تهران: مؤسسۀ پژوهشی حکمت و فلسفه.
نقیب‌زاده، میرعبدالحسین (1364). کانت و بیداری از خواب دگماتیسم، تهران: آگاه.
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