Document Type : Research



The Book “Dewdrop and the Echo of Breeze” is relatively a complete review of rules of Arabic Language, especially Syntax, and Abd Allah ibn Yusuf ibn Hisham known as Ibn Hisham Ansari (1308-1360 AD) wrote it in the eighth century AH. And Various descriptions have been written on it so far. This book has always been one of the main teaching sources in the Seminary and the University. This indicates the importance of this book in learning the rules of Arabic Language. Therefore, the author of this paper decided to make a content analysis of it, and besides regarding its advantages and disadvantages, evaluate its deficiencies by using the instructions of the rules of Arabic Language in the Lexicon and Syntax books. This book, like all human works, has some shortcomings, too. The results show that despite the miscellaneous advantages of this book, it also has some ambiguities that have made its learning difficult for the students. The author proposes to describe and translate it into Persian. So, he undergoes this responsibility and it will be finished in near future.   


Main Subjects

قرآن کریم.
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