Document Type : Research



 The book “Al-nahw Al-asri”(Contemporary Syntax) is a new book on the rules of Syntax and Morphology which according to its author, the method of discussion in this book is new and intelligible, and it is easy to apply. In this book, the Syntax and Morphology of the Arabic Language have been studies entirely, the advantages and disadvantages of the methodology of compilations in the Arabic Syntax have collected, and all the subjects in the Arabic Syntax and Morphology and all their styles have been studied. The book “Contemporary Syntax” is almost comprehensive; however, it lacks References, Verses and Narrations, etc. It has a relatively appropriate teaching method, but since learning the syntactic and morphological rules needs repetition and practice, the lack of practices in this book is one of its disadvantages. Because the presented issues in this book are simple, it is a suitable book for intermediate levels. With respect to some scientific errors in the book, it cannot be regarded as a source for Syntax and Morphology, or as a specialized source. This article tries to evaluate the scientific level of the book, its teaching methods, the extent of author’s accomplishment in describing, explaining, and teaching the rules of Arabic Language through its analysis.


Main Subjects

قرآن کریم.
ابن‌عقیل (1411 ق)، شرح ابن‌عقیل، تهران: ناصرخسرو.
الأفغانی، سعید (لاتا)، من تاریخ النحو، بیروت: دار الفکر.‌
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زجاج، ابوإسحاق (1391 ق)، ماینصرف و ما لا ینصرف، القاهرة: الأهرام التجاریة.
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