Document Type : Research



Curriculum planning in Teaching Arabic Language in Iran is very rare in comparison to it in Arabic countries. The book titled: “The Reference in Teaching Arabic to the Speakers of Other Languages” is one of the most important books in this field in the Arab World. In this article, it is tried to study and criticize this book. So, the strong and weak points of this work will be explained through content analysis, and the discussed issues of the book will be compared with the English books in curriculum planning. The results of the research indicate that the approach of the authors of the book is cultural. In fact, they could provide the Islamic-Arabic framework for teaching Arabic Language to the speakers of other languages through localizing the Western theories and methods of curriculum planning. One of disadvantages of this book, according to its content analysis, is the lack of discussing and studying the main component of “Need Assessment” in the curriculum planning, and the lack of some essential issues such as the methods of teacher training, evaluation, and the improvement of their performance.


Main Subjects

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