Document Type : Research
Assistant Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Semnan University
This article presents a brief commentary on the book Afaq Al-She'r al-Arabi fi Al-Asr al-Mamlouki, written by a renowned Lebanese author Yassin Al-Ayyubi. Accordingly, after a general introduction of the work, the result of the review and criticism comes in two discussions of form and content. The results of this review indicate that along with strengths such as proper bookbinding, precise layout and typography, complying with the writing and editing rules, multiple attachments and profiles, appropriate arrangement of the triple chapters, and using numerous and valid references, this book has deficiencies in terms of form and content, the most important of which include: using lexical obscure and ambiguous words, confusion in referencing and the arrangement of references, the broad and repetitive subject of the book, the lack of a methodical introduction and ending to some parts and many chapters, the incomplete arrangement of some chapters, and thus the similarity and even the overlap of the themes of some chapters, using common and cliché titles for the chapters, exaggeration in defending Arabic poetry and literature in the Mamlouki era, and unscientific compliment and praise, some ethnic and religious orientations and biases, lack or weakness of analysis and criticism due to relying on the collection of content from multiple references, and weakness of science innovation and production.
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